Wednesday, April 04, 2007

In Support Of Animal Mind

Matt of Animal Mind published a post called Oh, Happy Day. There seems to be a certain amount of confusion that has surrounded the post. I am here to clear up some of the confusion that has occurred.

Some historical fact. Jesus was a Jewish rabbi. The Last Supper, where he was betrayed by Judas, was a Passover Sedar that Jesus was holding for his disciples.

Matt got it right, again. Thank you very much for your attention.


Claudia said...

It always makes me laugh hysterically at the people that say Jesus was a Christian!!

M@ said...

Thanks, CEO. I needed that support.

Ironically, I'll be celebrating Easter in Brooklyn this Sunday w/ my Jewish aunt. :)

The CEO said...

Claudia, see, I keep thinking you're a graduate student.

Matt, Happy Passover.

Pickled Olives said...

I keep forgetting there are a lot of misinformed people.

Claudia said...

CEO...I'm old enough for it! :)

Drizel said...

short and informative meeting;)
have a great weekend:)

Anonymous said...

We have a new bumper sticker that reads, "Jesus Was A Jewish Liberal."

Wicked H said...

Um, will there be a quiz later????

The CEO said...

Olives, just supporting a fellow blogger, and following in your footsteps, doing what's right.

Claudia, you are younger than springtime, 5'6" flaming red hair, svelte, glamorous, and swim like a fish. Matt told me everything.

Etain, you must come visit longer, say hello to spoon for me.

Allan, can you make that Jesus was a Jewish Liberal that made it Big

Wicked, cocktails at 6, no quizzes.

Wicked H said...


Glamourpuss said...

So where does all the chocolate fit in?


The CEO said...

Wicked, never fear, we have worked too hard, we went to the U. of Md. hence we deserve a break.

Puss, chocolate is always in style. And when you do it, it's also glamorous.

Lee said...

Wait I thought Jesus was a zombie.