I am pleased to inform you that my next door neighbor has recovered nicely from his knife wounds and is doing well. He is attached here to his girlfriend who likes to be called "Juicy" as her shirt proclaims she is of the "House of Juicy". She thinks I am hysterically funny. She has excellent taste.
Further, my neighbor has been promoted to Manager of the Technical Section of Office Depot. I, of course, offered him any help I could for the asking. I asked about college, and he said that he is considering ITT Tech for a degree in Criminal Justice. I am also tutoring the 12 year old across the street in multiplication and division, and her older sister in history and science. The universe (what if there's more than one verse?) does seem to listen to Mel, but I don't think the 14 year old is ready for the World according to Mel yet. Actually, we all are, I just shouldn't label it that way.
Does this mean I'm growing up? I sort of hope not. I want to be more free, like Skinny Little Sister.