I am assuming that you have already stopped by
MJ's so I am writing this post. If you haven't, you might read the last post, then come on back. I also want to get this out of my system because I am finally going to do an Aucturian meme specifically for my personal hero
The Crankster, even though he, and the rest of the world knows how much I loath and despise memes, I am going to do this particular one because there is something about it that appeals to me. Also, I am going to slightly modify it in the same vein as
The Crankster, my hero, did. But in order to do the meme, I will have to write an introductory post first, which is under development now, as I write this one (this is a well-planned blog, whereas execution is often flawed). That post is called "Mississippi". Stay tuned, please.
But, this is just introductory information sharing, or bringing you up to date. I could just as easily told you of my new spectacular endocrinologist (she's the best I have ever had, and my brand new One Touch Ultra 2 Blood Glucose Monitoring System {spasms of joy}, I am so lucky), and the adequate experience I had giving blood the other day. (Note to Wicked: Is the word phlebotomist Latin for nervous asshole with a large needle? And why does it sound so much like lobotomist? Scary!).
But I have digressed from a very serious purpose. I need to calm down. I spent a lot of time nominating people for Bloggies Awards. I am upset about quite a few of the nominations I made not showing up, and I am just as upset about the same people being nominated every year. I can't find any criteria to follow objectively that states how the final panel selected the finalists.
Let me start with a non-obvious example. You all have heard me talk about the excellence of Barry Ritholtz before on my blog. He is the most followed economic site on Wall Street. He regularly publishes material from the industry showing that he has the highest volume of access of any economic site in existence. I didn't see him on the Bloggies ballot and yet I nominated him. I could really go wild about
Allan's photography, and would gladly put his portfolio up against the Pros that the Bloggies picked much less the others. I'd put his macro portfolio up all by itself and let you choose, but this is very subjective, although I feel that I am never wrong about these things.
Show me better consistent writing than Crankster. Crank, you may not comment. I am not interested in modesty. Show me a more insightful philosophical writer, or a better writer of prose than
Glamourpuss. Puss, you may not comment. I am not interested in modesty. And now for
Mist. It's not that I think she is this century's Bob Hope, it's that I think she's just beginning. The woman gets more comments before 8:00 AM than I get hits all month. Give me a break. But, there's a more objective measure than me.
Bloglaughs is in the game of reviewing humor sites and evaluating them. They publish their criteria for evaluating humorous blogs. Mist's rating was a 96.9. Now let us inspect the Bloglaugh ratings of the five nominated Bloggie nominees:Go Fug Yourself: 89.8,PerezHilton.com 72.4,The Dilbert Blog - Not Rated,Overheard In New York 91.7,and Gizmodo - Not rated.
Any mention of Mommy bloggers? I don't think so. I'm stopping before I have an unplanned annurism (not that you get to plan them, but why try to provoke one).
I am just saying that I cannot make sense out of the nominations for the Bloggies. And if they are supposed to represent us as bloggers, I'd sure as hell like to know what the hell is going on. I am throwing this open to those of you with calmer, cooler, more well reasoned heads than me to look at this and comment. Then we can storm the fucking Bastille, not that I'd
ever have an opinion, mind you.