Tuesday, June 12, 2007

This Is The Summer Of Our Discontent

It appears that Paris Hilton has better name recognition than almost any Democrat except Hilary Clinton and any Republican running for office today. She also has unified the country more than any other candidate. she has gotten the Rev. Al Sharpton and Pat Buchanan to agree, they both want her bony ass in jail. The last Zogby poll I saw had the Democratic Majority Leader in the Senate, Harry Reid, the Democratic House Leader Mrs. Pelosi, and the President of the United States all with a 29% Approval Rating.

I find it difficult to think that Mr. Bush could possibly find a way to offend more people than he already has before he leaves office, but, he still has time left. And the concept of destroying healthcare beyond its current level of insanity. I may post the actual bills from my last foray into the healthcare system so you can see for yourself some of the unbelievable costs.

Also, through the good offices of my esteemed colleague Heartinsanfrancisco hereafter known as Hearts (I'm not that good a typist to get it right consistently, trust me on this) another blog writer of the quality of herself, Glamourpuss, and Crankster (who I think must be moving from Va. Tech to his new home in NYC). His name is James Burnett and he is well worth taking the time to read. I am talking about excellence in writing when I mention these folks in the same paragraph. They are in Mist's League, and that's the rarefied air where I come from. Please note, I am NOT in any of these folks league, they are WRITERS, I think, but cannot write. Let us never get confused here. That's why I'm telling you about the writers, because Healthcare is going to become a big issue in the next election, and there's already a lot of misinformation out there. Time to go look at pretty pictures! Hello Lee, Cindy, Claudia et al!


Anonymous said...

I hate the insurance industry and I hate the astronomical cost of healthcare outside of insurance. The system is out of control!

You name worthy blogging writers!

mist1 said...

Are you going to see Michael Moore's new movie?

Glamourpuss said...

Your healthcare 'system' makes me grateful for the dirty, shambolic, haemorrage that is the NHS.

Thanks for the compliment.

Puss x

Itsnopicknick said...

I'd like to feel bad about your healthcare system, but we're currently haemmoraging doctors & nurses to the first world and families have to go in and change their relatives bed pans, sheets and feed them themselves...we're also busy having the worst public sector strike in history and 500 healthcare professionals were just sacked! Sorry, don't mean to do one-upmanship...

Anonymous said...

I am uninsured. Yesterday when I saw a doctor, they gave me a $52 discount, so I paid $78 instead of $130. My upfront payment meant that they didn't have to chase down payments from an insurance company.

The whole system seems bloated. Of course, I have been spoiled by health care in France, where 20 euros buys you a doctor's visit, and you get 14 of those euros back, and up to 19 if you have complementary insurance through your job. Unfortunately that system seems to be imploding.


Anonymous said...

Wow Spoon, thats bad!!

James Burnett said...

Insurance industry is horrible - almost as much as some of the news industry ;-)

Thank you for including me in such good company.