Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Revised 2007 Bloggie Balloting Is Open

The ballots are available now and voting will continue until 10:00 PM on Feb. 2, as I understand it. The Bloggies balloting is for bloggers.

None of the people discussed here were nominated. You will probably recognize many of the blogs that were nominated.


Itsnopicknick said...

I tried to vote for Mist but they wouldn't let me - this happens to me a lot. Damn ofcourse i think mist should absolutely be in the running - so someone go vote for her on my behalf!

The CEO said...

Why wouldn't they let you vote spoon? Your vote is as good as mine. In fact, I nominated you for best African blog.

mist1 said...

Thanks for the reminder to vote.

Crankster said...

Are the bloggies groggy? Voice a little froggy?

Okay, I'm out.

Eris said...

Well FINE then. I guess I'll have to throw out this whole congratulatory dinner I made because it dried out and burned waiting for the site to come up. See if I ever cook again.

The CEO said...

Save dinner, or come over here, we can vote until Jan. 31 I believe, and for you all, they'll adjust if the ballot doesn't come up soon. Patience, the guy is sick.

Anonymous said...

Ah, thanks for the update. I checked on Tuesday and there was nothing to vote for yet.

The CEO said...

Weird, it kept the comments, but wiped the old post completely. Blogger is strange.

Eris said...

I was wondering where the old post went.

Crankster said...

It's kinda tough to get excited about voting when none of your friends are on the list!

The CEO said...

Des, I used the old code and changed the title, thinking that with a new title, and a new date, Blogger would think it was a new post. Nope, Blogger wasn't that smart. It got rid of the old post, and put the new one, with the old post's comments in its place. Blogger is schmart.

Crank, not a single blog I nominated made the final cut. Not one. I know they had judges as a last step. But when Bloglaughs outscored Mist over everyone of Bloggies candidates, something is wrong. Just my opinion.