Monday, January 15, 2007

After Much Ado

It seems that there's a virus going around the East Coast that should have been dead because of the cold weather. But the warm weather has allowed it to thrive. Left to itself, it turns into pneumonia. I'm on medication. I'm awake long enough to let you know that I am being taken care of, fed, and watched over by the wife and guard cat who will not let me knowingly do harm to myself by getting up and doing anything except take another pill. And Progresso does make this wonderful soup....

No more poetry Lee, how about a little investing theory? And maybe some e mail! Tomorrow! What do you think, stick with the bourbon, add some single malt? Jack up the alcohol with some vodka? Screw it all and just swill the vodka? Or throw in an occasional tequila? Or is this the fever talking?


Anonymous said...

Stick with whisky or bourbon jacked up with lemon juice, honey, and hot water.

And be well.

Deb said...

Feel better soon.

Wicked H said...

Going through an illness in a haze is always indicated. Pick the libation of your choice.

Seriously, get well soon.

Glamourpuss said...

take more medication and drink more booze. Then start writing - it's bound to be entertaining. When you recover from the virus and the stomach pump, you'll laugh too - promise...


Itsnopicknick said...

oh so you're old, cause i thought only old folk get pneumonia...I'm not helping here am I? WEll actually I can't believe you're this sick...i really hope you come back to us soon 'cause you make more sense when you're lucid :-)

mist1 said...

Why am I suddenly so thirsty?

MJ said...

A little bit of everything that is in the liquor cabinet with a dash of lemon.. that should do ya’…. P.S that “bug” is thriving here in Utah where it was 4 degrees this morning … Both my kids have it …YUCK

M@ said...

Sir, step away from the tequila!

Claudia said...

I think the same thing is going around here in the landlady's family all had walking pneumonia...thank god for antibiotics!!

Crankster said...

Hot Toddy:

In a small coffee mug, put the following:

1 large shot bourbon (if you prefer, use rum. I suggest an amber, like Appleton Estate, or a dark, like Myers).
1 cinnamon stick
2-3 cloves
1-2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon butter (optional)

Add about 3/4 cup boiling water. Use the cinnamon stick to mix everything together. Drink when it's cool enough to get down, or when the butter is melted. You can also add lemon if you wish.

Get well soon!

Cindy said...

Around here, it is a stomach flu, so everyone who got their flu shot...? Yep, not working.