Friday, January 19, 2007

The Magical Mystery Tour

Well, I can breathe today. With my own lungs. I call this progress. So I turned on the TV, because too many people had suggested masturbation that it was an option I couldn't ignore. The very first thing I saw was the announcement that T.J. Maxx had been hacked, and that 100 million people's data had been stolen. There's less than 300 million of us in the country (I know there are others, but think of it, 1 out of every 3 men, women and children). How did T.J. Maxx get so much data? Do any of you seriously believe that many people transacted credit purchases with T.J. Maxx? Who is kidding who? Someone used T.J. Maxx to get to a processor who had that much data, meaning a bank. Most of you have never heard the name Fifth Third Bank, but that was the credit card processor that was penetrated.

You know not to use a debit card on the Internet, don't you. Credit cards are backed by the bank, and the losses are limited to $50 at most. Not necessarily with a debit card, although it hasn't happened, yet. I remember the good old days when I used cash in stores. I may have to pick up some cash the next time I'm at the supermarket, you know, when they ask if you want any cash back when you check out and they take your credit card.

To celebrate breathing today, I thought I'd let you see this oldie but goodie, not to step on Odat's happy dancing feet, but to honor her.

Wagner: Ride of the Valkries
Claudio Abbado - Berliner Philharmoniker
Live 31-12-1993

and naturally the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour with graphics by londonpenda
(watch your credit card data flash by at the speed of light)


Anonymous said...

Those fake Beatles are creepy.

Claudia said...

Ok...breathing on your own is a good sign....but it's first thing in the am here and way too early for any type of upbeat, lift-me-to-the-sky music!! aack! but now I want to go shopping....

mist1 said...

Fifth Third Bank? I bank at Sixth Second Band because I like even numbers.

Crankster said...


Glamourpuss said...

Sorry CEO, I tried masturbating to those clips but they just didn't do it for me - each to their own...

Glad you're feeling brighter!


Anonymous said...

glad you are feeling better!!!

I bought a bunch of stuff @ tj maxx the day before the big news story broke. hmmmmmm...

M@ said...

I like how banks want to push those payment "wands" that would be even more convenient than cards at the retail counter.... Or payments via cell phone.

The CEO said...

I worry that there is no real security now over the "payments system" which leads one to ask, is my money really safe with these clowns?

Pickled Olives said...

Hi Ceo, glad you are doing better. Breathing is important. Thanks for the heads up on the bank. Sheesh, I think saftey is a perception issue.

Wicked H said...

Be afraid, VERY AFRAID!!!!!

Deb said...

That was interesting animation on the Beatles video. I agree with Allan though, a tad creepy.