Thursday, January 11, 2007

This Is What Happens When You Sleep In The Same Bed With a Sick Woman

I go back to the doctor at 8:30 am to get MY antibiotics. They will look at my throat to see why it is swollen, and do their doctor shit, collect their co-pay, I will get my prescription filled, and generally be miserable. Just a quick post do you know I'm alive. This is a good time for some bourbon! To your health!

What do you do when you are this miserable?


Glamourpuss said...

Drink Martinis of course!

In bed!

Get well soon.


Wicked H said...

I agree with Puss. Rest, also quite helpful. Feel better soon.

If you are in need of a St. Bernard with a barrel of the concoction of your choice, let me know.

The CEO said...

I have it made. We're heading out to the doctor, then it's back to bed. I had made a roast yesterday. We'll eat. Then, I'm going back to bed. Have a good day, and feel better.

Lee said...

I whine and drink huge amounts of OJ along with dangerous quantities of echinacea until my stomach's all pissed off at me too. I'm not so bright.

Lee said...

P.S. Get well soon!

M@ said...

OD on cough syrup. That dextramethorphan is very similar to PCP, I understand.

Anonymous said...

I get a bunch of library books, take the meds & some motrin, and enjoy my convalescence.

oh, hot tea ! don't forget the hot tea!

Claudia said...

Hot tea....oJ...more tea, vitamins, homemade chicken soup...
Good for you for going to the docs...I haven't gone yet. get better!!

Odat said...

Yup, soup and tea....and sleep and rest, a lil blogging, some video the you get the picture...
Feel better soon!

MJ said...

Check the neighbors yard for any deer peeing .. that should brighten up you day !! Ü

Cindy said...

Sleep if possible. If not, watch daytime tv, like Maurey Povich and try to guess which 14 year old is the 12 year old's baby's daddy.

mist1 said...

I drink wine and theraflu.

Pickled Olives said...

I lay on the couch or another central location, ask everyone toget things for me, bitch and moan and remind everyone how miserable I feel. I dose up on whatever we have in the house. When I have to work - I use dayquil.

Eris said...

I calculate how long it will be before someone finds my dead body in my apartment as I live alone and then I try to write out my will with a 104 degree temperature. This only angers me as I have nothing to will to anyone so I become motivated to get well, if only to get something to will to someone in case I die. Or I drink. You know, either one.

Take care of yourself.

WanderingGirl said...

Mucinex, hot tea, and any fashion/gossip magazine I can get my hands on. Then I lay in bed and sleep/wake/sleep/wake.

Hope you're better soon!

Anonymous said...

I don't get sick very often. *ducks and runs*

But when I do, I stay in bed as much as possible, take my medicine, and sometimes fortify it with a nice whiskey/honey/lemon juice/hot water blend. Heavy on the whiskey. Or bourbon.

Get better soon!

Jocelyn said...

I very much agree that alcohol is the key to killing off germs and bacteria. Now, if you don't feel well, you may need it presented to you as "comfort booze," so try a hot toddy. I got through college feeling pretty good through illness, thanks to the toddies.

Itsnopicknick said...

Just another great opportunity to take lots of drugs!!! and then sleep and watch bad movies and like you say, 'drink bourbon'. Hope you feel better soon!!!!

Crankster said...

CEO, I've found that masturbation, NyQuil, and Airborne can get you through most illnesses, not to mention helping you get out of jury duty.

Crankster said...

Oh, and homemade Brunswick Stew, zinc, and maitake pills never hurt.

Hope you're feeling better!

Sornie said...

I revert to being a sick infant and generally annoy the hell out of my wife but only because she does the same to me.

Lee said...

I'm left wondering if Crankster masturbates at the court to get out of jury duty.

Crankster said...

Lee, admit it...for a second there, you were blown away by my ingenuity, weren't you?

rebecca said...

feel better *hug*

Echomouse said...

Oh no. I hope you feel better soon {Hug}

The CEO said...

It's back to the doc's in the am. This is what I get for getting a pneumonia vaccination. I'm going back to bed.