Saturday, June 02, 2007

This Has To Be Quick Before......

My ISP and Blogger are not playing well in the sandbox together, when we have been online. There is a local switch problem. We have had spotty access at best for the last several days, hence I haven't blogged nor posted. I'm getting this out so you know what's going on. Things will return to normal when my ISP returns to normal. Sorry for the interruption. Maybe if I sacrifice a small goat? Nahhhhhh, I don't think so. Be back soon, I hope.


Anonymous said...

read you when you are up and running an in between!

cmhl said...

well, I'm glad that the problem is the ISP & not YOU! demand a refund on your bill for the days it was down!!

glad all is well..

Wicked H said...

Technology is great, when it works!

You knew we'd worry, thanks for the update.

M@ said...

I know what you mean. I've been online continuously for two years.

An ISP problem is an emergency. Call 911. They'll know what to do.

mist1 said...

I like my goat with curry. What time is dinner?

Odat said...

Thanks for the update....Hurry back to normal, ok?

Lee said...

The internet is so very useful, when it's working!

rebecca said...

meh, goats are overrated.

Glamourpuss said...

here's to technological harmony.
