Wednesday, December 13, 2006

If You Haven't Switched To Beta Yet

Old Blogger accounts that haven't switched to Blogger Beta are having problems commenting. You can't login. If you are logged into your blog, you won't be able to comment. Your password won't be found. Logout of your blog. Make a comment, and select "Other". For name, put in your name, and for URL, put in the URL of your blog. It works fine. And now back, for more angst, mirth, and meaning of life shtick.


Anonymous said...

You have saved me. I no longer feel rejected.

Still, I know the inevitable has to happen.

The CEO said...

You are needed, yea necessary.

Crankster said...

Just wanted to see if the damned thing works.

Anonymous said...

Ok, that's how you get around it...good research CEO!!! Now let's see if it's really gonna work 'cause I've been struggling - clearly not the world's top problem solver now am I?!?!?

The CEO said...

I operate on the theory that no one is good at everything, and everyone is good at something. So, The Morning Meeting is where the critical and important information is disseminated to you. It's not because I know it. It's just a good place to go for it. I mean, we all know that Crankster is the guy in Lee's picture emerging from the Ocean, on her blog, with dyed hair.