Saturday, December 09, 2006

Putting A Toe Back In The Water

It has been a nasty week. I thought I'd stick a toe back in the water and see if I remembered how to work the machinery here. The latest Zogby Poll, a telephone survey dated 12/5/6 through 12/8/6, finds that the President's approval rating has dropped to 30% as key demographic groups jump ship. Now you too can read what Zogby, probably one of the best pollsters out there, has to say. Get it from the horse's mouth, so to say. Have some donuts with your coffee or tea! And, if it's after 12:00 pm, a little cognac.


Claudia said...

hey CEO...
welcome back! Sorry to hear about your lousy week, but man...this was good stuff. Maybe, just maybe, there is hope for the US...

The CEO said...

Reading the article shows that both Republicans and Democrats also held Congress to a 20% approval rating, lower than the President. Both houses are changing hands in January from Republican control to Democratic control for the first time in 12 years.

The CEO said...

That's some gorgeous photography you put up on your blog, Claudia.

fringes said...

It's always after 12pm somewhere. That's my motto.

The CEO said...

How nice to see you Fringes, make yourself at home.

WanderingGirl said...

Is that 12pm tomorrow, today, or yesterday? Heck, I don't even have cognac.

The CEO said...

WG- this is your clearance, and if you happen to have an extra pie to go along with it, that would be wonderful!

Odat said...

Having donuts now~ Welcome back!
Hope everything is ok.

Pickled Olives said...

good reads! I love balance in our three powers that be. I find change happens slower and with better purpose. cheers!

mist1 said...

Can I polish of the Crown instead? I have some left over Diet Coke w/ cherry and vanilla. I don't know what else I'll use it for.

Itsnopicknick said...

Oh, don't even get me started on Bush. I was over in US about 5 years ago, and I got shouted down because I said this guy is trouble!

Sunny Gecko said...

Sorry to hear about your week... Hope it gets better

Glamourpuss said...

I have to say, I cannot listen to Bush speak without dissolving into childlike giggles - he's just so silly - like a parody of stupidity, but real. Yes, real, and then I get scared...

Seriously, he's done more harm to your nation's reputation than any event/person/war previous. Sorry, sad but true. The whole world thinks he's a retard - an elected retard - know what I mean?


Anonymous said...

missed you. welcome back.

Lee said...

I don't get the poll thing. And I don't get wishy-washy people. I like W I like W I like W...oh that tips it, I don't like W. I always wonder what makes people change their minds. Which straw?

MJ said...

I am SO glad that you are back ... Missed ya

The CEO said...

If I never tell you all how important you are to me, let me tell you now. You all are really important to me. All of you.